If you need the support of an Admiral Nurse you can contact the Dementia Helpline by calling 0800 888 6678 or emailing: helpline@dementiauk.org.  Alternatively, book a phone or video appointment at a time that suits you here: https://www.dementiauk.org/get-support/closer-to-home/.

Being unable to access services that provide diagnostic assessments for dementia has been one of the main reasons for calls to Dementia UK Helpline.  See below the advice from an Admiral Nurse on the Helpline, on things you can do while waiting for an assessment.


📝 Keep a symptom diary 

📖 Start a ‘Life Story’ book

🧠 Try a Cognitive Stimulation Therapy activity book

🎵 Continue regular activities or find new ones, such as listening to music, baking, aromatherapy, word searches or conversation
🌻 Spend time outside to connect to nature